Men's Training
to May 10

Men's Training

Join the men of VBC as we spend time together in God’s word learning about biblical manhood and spurring each other on to live as men for Christ. It will be a great time of fellowship!

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The Al-Ma’idah Initiative Training

The Al-Ma’idah Initiative Training

Our friends from The Al-Ma’idah Initiative will be providing a training to our congregation and anyone else that is interested. This training will specifically focus on engaging our Muslim neighbors with the Gospel. We have an evangelism ministry already active on Highline College Campus. Highline has a significant Muslim student body. This training seeks to equip Christians to be knowledgable about Islam, the Quran, common objections Muslims have towards Christianity, and more. Come join us! Dinner will be provided and childcare will be available!

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VSF Launch Event

VSF Launch Event

Join us for Biblical teaching directed toward single Christian adults. Our prayer is that through this event the Lord would help you grow in Holiness this season of life. That through this event God would provide opportunities for Christian’s to meet, learn, and fellowship together. Trusting that God will bring about many Godly relationships and marriages through this ministry.

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VBC Events Team Brunch

VBC Events Team Brunch

As a church community our two primary values is God’s word and the fellowship of God’s people. We are a community that seeks to learn from God and live in obedience to his word and we pursue sacrificial service and hospitality towards one another as we experience fellowship and feasting to the glory of God. Our events team is a big part of cultivating fellowship and informal time together as a church community. Join us to learn about the events team and the convictions that support everything we do to serve God and his people through this ministry! 

Food will be provided! 

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Veritas Singles Fellowship Event

Veritas Singles Fellowship Event

As Veritas Singles Fellowship- our goal is to provide sound biblical teaching to build up the singles in our communities and help singles be devoted to Christ and to have biblical perspectives when looking for a spouse.

Join us for our January Veritas Singles Fellowship event where we will enjoy teaching from Pastor Lewis of Veritas Bible Church, table discussions, and food together. It will be a great night of encouragement and fellowship with other believers from various like-minded churches in our region!

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VBC Parenting Class

VBC Parenting Class

Parenting is a God-given task. God, in his word, requires Christian parents to raise their children in such a way as is fitting of a Christian household (Deuteronomy 6:7, Malachi 2:15, Ephesians 6:4). But what does that mean? And what does that look like? Many parents have struggled with understanding what is exactly required of them as parents and what to expect from their children. Questions about authority, spanking and discipline, family worship, speaking to your children about sexuality, vision and values of the home, and many others abound. Thankfully, we are not left without guidance from the Scriptures on these issues. This 8 week class is for parents to learn, grow, and mature in their calling of raising their children in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord. 

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Veritas Singles Fellowship Event

Veritas Singles Fellowship Event

As Veritas Singles Fellowship- our goal is to provide sound biblical teaching to build up the singles in our communities and help singles be devoted to Christ and to have biblical perspectives when looking for a spouse.

Join us for our December Veritas Singles Fellowship event where we will enjoy teaching from Pastor Dima of Veritas Bible Church, table discussions, and food together. It will be a great night of encouragement and fellowship with other believers from various like-minded churches in our region!

The focus of the teaching this time around will be on cultivating masculine and feminine virtues in our modern age. Our culture has largely been influenced by feminism and egalitarianism with regards to masculine and feminine natures. What does it mean to be a man or a woman? What virtues are we to pursue and cultivate as men and women who are preparing ourselves for marriage and family life? What vices are we to avoid that can cause confusion and chaos to ensue in our relationships with the opposite sex? Titus 2 gives us a lot of instruction and help regarding these questions.

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Members' Meeting Brunch | Q4

Members' Meeting Brunch | Q4

Join us for our quarterly Members’ Meeting! These are meetings specifically geared towards fellowship between existing members of VBC, important updates concerning the life of the church (financial, leadership, direction and vision, and areas of need/concern). The church of Jesus Christ is a family and this is a family meal we get to share together as an evident marker of our fellowship.

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Veritas Thanksgiving Potluck!

Veritas Thanksgiving Potluck!

Join us for our annual Thanksgiving potluck! We will be gathering as a church family to feast and celebrate all that the Lord has done and provided for us as his people. There will be fun activities for the kids, a ton of fellowship, a community Kahoots game, and an INCREDIBLE PIE CONTEST! Come hungry and ready to have fun to the glory of God. RSVP and sign up for the Pie Contest!

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Veritas Singles Fellowship Event

Veritas Singles Fellowship Event

Singleness in our modern age looks drastically different from years past. With the likes of social media and online dating, christian singles are heavily influenced by the world. Our goal is to provide sound biblical teaching to build up the singles in our communities and help singles be devoted to Christ and to have biblical perspectives when looking for a spouse.

Join us for our first Veritas Singles Fellowship where we will enjoy teaching from Pastor Gabe with Redeemer Church in Bellevue, table discussions, and food together. It will be a great night of encouragement and fellowship with other believers from various like-minded churches in our region!

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Game Night!

Game Night!

Join us for a time of fellowship, food, and fun as we play games to the glory of Christ! This is a great time where we get to spend time together in a more informal way and is a wonderful opportunity for new visitors of VBC to get to know more people in our community!

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Post Tenebras Lux Conference
to Nov 2

Post Tenebras Lux Conference

Screwtape and his nephew Wormwood have been busy at work these many decades since the Enlightenment. For a ​rather long season they have enjoyed a great deal of freedom of movement, casting their dark spell upon the world. They ​have been busy inventing lies about the origin of the cosmos and the creatures who live there, undermining the ​sufficiency of Scripture through their so-called “Higher Criticism,” sowing seeds of discontent and envy, spinning their ​revisionist history, all in an effort to suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

Universities, Seminaries, and Churches, whose original aim was to exuberantly proclaim “Joy to the World, the Lord has ​come, let earth receive her King” and to instruct her pupils in how to take every thought captive to Christ, instead have ​been lulled to sleep by generations of instruction in the dark art of ingratitude, Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory, and the ​sacrificing of babies on the altar of personal peace and affluence. Instead of rejoicing in thanksgiving for the good gifts ​that God has bestowed upon His children, we were taught to despise our “privilege” by calling evil, good, and good, evil.

But the Lord, in His kindness has been gracious to preserve a remnant of Saints, faithfully plodding, daily donning their ​armor, and wielding the Sword of the Spirit in the fighting back of darkness. Their prayers have not returned void. The veil ​is being lifted as the Spirit has been at work these last several years, effectively breaking the spell of these cowardly ​tongues. So-called Shepherds who once enjoyed the cover of esteem and respectability among the sheep, have now ​been revealed to be jackals and blind guides in shepherd’s clothing. The warning cries have gone out, and the beacons ​have been lit. Faithful torch bearers are igniting the beacons along mountain and hilltops, along the sea coasts and ​byways across the land. Word of the loosening power of the spell of darkness has begun to spread quickly, signaling the ​Saints to once more pick up the Banner of Truth. A loud shout goes forth from the frontlines, “Post Tenebras Lux!” After ​the darkness, light.”

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Reformation Night!

Reformation Night!

As part of the Protestant faith tradition, Veritas Bible Church is part of a 500+ year history of celebrating the Reformation led by figures such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, and others. During this time we recognize the significance of what it meant for the church in those days to get back to the purity of the gospel, the sufficiency of scripture, and a reforming of christian worship. In accordance with that idea, Reformation Night is an opportunity for the elders of VBC to share convictions and reasoning behind things that either are in the process of change or need to be reformed in the worship and life of the church to better reflect a faithfulness to God’s Holy word. This will hopefully become a regular annual endeavor where we challenge each other to not take aspects of worship and christian living for granted but examine our doctrine and practice to be in line with the Scriptures (1 Tim. 4:16).

For our first night, we will be examining the ideas of Confessionalism and Congregational Singing. What are these practices exactly and why should we pursue them as a church body? The elders will share specific and detailed reasoning behind these practices and their convictions as well as provide a thorough Q&A time for deeper dialogue.

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Game Night!

Game Night!

Join us for a time of fellowship, food, and fun as we play games to the glory of Christ! This is a great time where we get to spend time together in a more informal way and is a wonderful opportunity for new visitors of VBC to get to know more people in our community!

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Tiny Heartbeat Ministries Outreach | Oct 1st, 2024

Tiny Heartbeat Ministries Outreach | Oct 1st, 2024

Join us on Tuesday, Oct 1st, for an evangelistic outreach effort on Highline Community College campus. We plan to hand out gospel centered brochures addressing the evil of abortion and engage with the students and staff with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will likely engage a lot of students from Muslim backgrounds and will have copies of New Testaments to give to them as we have conversations.

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Members' Meeting Brunch | Q3

Members' Meeting Brunch | Q3

Join us for our quarterly Members’ Meeting! These are meetings specifically geared towards fellowship between existing members of VBC, important updates concerning the life of the church (financial, leadership, direction and vision, and areas of need/concern). The church of Jesus Christ is a family and this is a family meal we get to share together as an evident marker of our fellowship.

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Church Wide Potluck (August)

Church Wide Potluck (August)

Join us for fellowship, food, and fun at the park as we gather together for our church-wide potluck! We’ve been doing these once a month throughout the summer and it has been a great way to meet new people, start new friendships, share Christ with others and cultivate the community of Veritas Bible Church for the glory of God. Come hang out with us and RSVP to let us know you’re coming!

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Church Wide Potluck (July)

Church Wide Potluck (July)

Join us for fellowship, food, and fun at the park as we gather together for our church-wide potluck! We’ve been doing these once a month throughout the summer and it has been a great way to meet new people, start new friendships, share Christ with others and cultivate the community of Veritas Bible Church for the glory of God. Come hang out with us and RSVP to let us know you’re coming!

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VBC Summer Camp
to Jul 12

VBC Summer Camp

Summer is just around the corner and we are looking forward to our annual church-wide summer camp! We will be staying at our usual camping destination at Wilderness Northwest in Brinnon, WA. This has been such a great place for our families to experience fellowship, a LOT of food, and fun activities together. Great memories, lots of great conversations, and friendships that develop within the body of Christ as we enjoy the common grace of God in all things camping related!

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VBC Church-Wide Potluck (June)

VBC Church-Wide Potluck (June)

During the summer we love to get together outdoors for fellowship, food, and fun as a church family. Join us for our summer potluck events happening at the end of each month! Click the button below to RSVP and sign up for an item to bring! See you there!

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Fierce Marriage Date Night @ ERC

Fierce Marriage Date Night @ ERC

Come hangout with other couples for a date night event that you won’t want to miss. Great music, fellowship, and word of encouragement and equipping for couples. Click the link on the event page for more details and RSVP.

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Celebration Park Summer Hangout!

Celebration Park Summer Hangout!

Come join us at Celebration Park in Federal Way. We will have Volleyball, Crossnet, and other fun lawn games to play! There is also a great playground for the kids. Even if you do not play volleyball it is a great time to fellowship with your church family as you enjoy great weather. Feel free to invite your friends, family, and coworkers that do not attend VBC. We would love to have them join and fellowship with us as well! Click the Group Chat link on the event page to connect for updates and announcements for the hangout!

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Members' Meeting Brunch | Q2

Members' Meeting Brunch | Q2

Join us for our quarterly Members’ Meeting! These are meetings specifically geared towards fellowship between existing members of VBC, important updates concerning the life of the church (financial, leadership, direction and vision, and areas of need/concern). The church of Jesus Christ is a family and this is a family meal we get to share together as an evident marker of our fellowship.

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Women's Seminar | "Friendship and the Christian"

Women's Seminar | "Friendship and the Christian"

Friendship is oftentimes a complicated subject. It can foster the greatest joys a person can experience in this life and at the same time be the subject of great sorrow due to its breakdown resulting from sin. But, as Christians, we believe in the sufficiency of God's word regarding life and practice- which includes the topic of "friendship". This seminar is aimed at better understanding how the Scriptures define friendship and what we are called to in order to cultivate friendships in our lives.

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Tiny Heartbeat Ministries Outreach | May 14th, 2024

Tiny Heartbeat Ministries Outreach | May 14th, 2024

Join us on Tuesday, May 14th, for an evangelistic outreach effort on Highline Community College campus. We plan to hand out gospel centered brochures addressing the evil of abortion and engage with the students and staff with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will likely engage a lot of students from Muslim backgrounds and will have copies of New Testaments to give to them as we have conversations.

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Mother’s Day Child Dedications

Mother’s Day Child Dedications

  • 1636 South 330th Street Federal Way, WA, 98003 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As Veritas Bible Church, we love children and encourage parents to value the great responsibility and blessing that it is to have children and to commit to raising them in a Christian home with a Christian worldview.

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Game Night!

Game Night!

Join us for a time of fellowship, food, and fun as we play games to the glory of Christ! This is a great time where we get to spend time together in a more informal way and is a wonderful opportunity for new visitors of VBC to get to know more people in our community!

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Tiny Heartbeat Ministries Outreach | April 30th

Tiny Heartbeat Ministries Outreach | April 30th

Join us on Tuesday, April 30th, for an evangelistic outreach effort on Highline Community College campus. We plan to hand out gospel centered brochures addressing the evil of abortion and engage with the students and staff with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will likely engage a lot of students from Muslim backgrounds and will have copies of New Testaments to give to them as we have conversations.

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Interested in serving on the Events Team?

Fill out the info below and we’ll be in touch!